Documentation utilisateur [FR]
Gebruikersdocumentatie [NL]
User guide [EN]
For more technical (ie: developers infos), please refer to the readme about the server here and about the client applications here.
The statistics app is used to monitor the use of the other apps. Therefore, there are some ‘captors’ spread in the apps to log some activities (such as: ‘visiting an app’, ‘go to a map’, …). To choose what to show, you can create ‘dashboards’ (named ‘activity profiles’ in admin), that will structure the data we want to represent.
For now, users’ actions available to log (and thereafter to represent on the dashboards) are:
For multiple apps
- 'visit': visit an app,
- 'link': clic on a link,
- 'navigate-map': go to a map,
- 'print-map': print a map,
- 'lang-choice': go to an app in a given language or change the language,
Only for the ‘angled-query’ app:
- 'navigate-query': see a query,
Only for the ‘angled-project’ app:
- 'save-units': count the number of edits when someone save changes of an information unit,
Can be set up in /admin/activity/activityprofile/
Name of the dashboard.
Profile Layout
A profile layout is declared using the following syntax :
page new
box vertical
box horizontal
multiwidget graph graphtype="barchart" action="visit" ns=view,compose,embed,angled-project,angled-query,mdq titleFR="Nombre de visites" titleNL="Aantal bezoeken"
multiwidget applist aggregation="count" ns=view,compose action="visit" ns=view,compose
widget list nb=10 ns="view" action="navigate-map" titleFR="Liste des cartes les plus vues" titleNL="Meest gezien kaarten"
widget list nb=5 ns="compose" action="navigate-map"
widget value aggregation="count" ns="view" action="link"
box horizontal
widget graph graphtype="piechart" ns="angled-project" action="save-units"
widget graph graphtype="piechart" ns="view" action="lang-choice"
widget graph graphtype="piechart" ns="mdq" action="lang-choice"
box horizontal
widget graph graphtype="time-barchart" ns="view" action="visit"
Each ‘widget’ needs a type of representation (how we want to show the data, see below), one or more namespaces (the app(s) concerned by the action, one for a widget, more for a multiwidget), an action type (which data we want to use).
page declares a page. box declares a layout box. Available operators are [horizontal, vertical] widget declares a widget to be displayed. Available operators are:
- list: lists n elements with biggest occurence. It needs option “nb”.
- value: renders one number. It needs the option “aggregation” that can take next values: [count, sum, min, max, avg].
- graph: renders a graph. It needs the option “graphtype” that can take next values: [barchart, piechart, time-barchart]
multiwidget declares a widget that concerns multiple apps. Available operators are:
- graph: renders a graph. It needs the option “graphtype” that can take next value: [barchart]
- applist: lists apps (listed in ‘ns’ option) with a number linked to an action. The calculation of the number is described by the option “aggregation” that can take next values: [count, sum, min, max, avg].
There are also optional informations: [‘title’, ‘titleFR’, ‘titleNL’], to declare using the same form [key=value].
Default profile
For now, a profile named default
will become the default profile for the application.