


the BrugeoTool application is a client application of the cartostation platform.

This application is available here:

All the data used by BrugeoTool is managed by the geothermal-loader module.

Both repositories contain their own documentation.

The whole code of cartostation and geothermie-loader is open, and under a free license (AGPLV3).

Administration of the BrugeoTool application

Creation of the reference map for the BrugeoTool application

The reference map can be built using the Studio application.

Please refer to the documentation of the Studio application for details.

TIP: It is not necessary to publish the map in the Atlas to use it as a reference map. However, it must be referenced as publicly available, via the platform administration, as for all public maps.

Creation of layer groups for the reference map

The creation of a layer group is done in the Django admin of the platform at admin/api/layergroup/.

Once the group is created, the data layers that will be in it must reference that group, at admin/api/layerinfo/.

Setting the reference map for the BrugeoTool application

The previously created map must be referenced as the “base” map for the BrugeoTool platform.
This is done in the admin section of the platform at admin/geothermie/mapselection/.

Only one map must be selected, and referenced in the top panel.

Definition of additional information for a layer group

It is possible to define additional information for a particular group of layers in admin/geothermie/infobulle/.

Simply select the layer group and the info in question. This can be created on the fly, or on the admin/geothermie/bulle/ page.

Changing application texts and labels

All the labels and texts of the platform can be modified via the administration interface. see the documentation on this subject](

IMPORTANT: some texts are written in Markdown and it is desirable that people who encode new texts are familiar with this language.

TIP: replacing texts via the administration interface does not destroy the basic texts, so it is easy to test updates.